Secretary's Message


Secretary's Message

[ HOD Message < Secretary's Message ]



First of all, I would like to thank you for surfing our official website, Maradong and Julau District Council. Herewith, I would like to thanks and congratulate all those officers who are involved directly and successfully in implementing this website.

In this globalization era, we are encouraged to increase our knowledge in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). In accordance to our Chief Minister appeal, Maradong dan Julau District Council has set up this website to create an "E-Government".

Being committed and with continuous hard work, Maradong dan Julau District Council had been conferred MS ISO 9001:2015 on 15 October 2015. Our emphasis is on the improvement of infrastructure development and to instill a culture with a provision of quality services to all our customers in the Maradong dan Julau District Council jurisdiction.

With the existence of the website, we hope to convey our information particularly to our customers and the community at large on the roles and services provided by Maradong dan Julau District Council. In addition to this it is hoped that the public, government servants and various private bodies can strengthen the cooperation and understanding through the information technolgy in line with the Government Policy of creating E-Government to achieve K-Society and K-Economy towards the goal of achieving "Wawasan 2020".

Lastly, I hope all the information in this website can helpful and useful to all our customers and the public and can be instrumental to generate our mindset as Malaysian.





Encik Lau Chi Sing,